2015 Resolutions

The pleasant disruption of the holidays have been a chance to break bad habits and establish new ones. Here are my goals for 2015.

  1. Write Everyday: I am pretty sure every ABD (all but dissertation) has this resolution on the top of their list. I have tried variations of this goal before with specific word counts and time limits and failed miserably. This year my approach focuses on creating a habit that I can stick with rather than specific goals for output. I am also following the advice in this post Ten ways you can write every day and am expanding my definition of writing beyond the standard—add words to a blank page.
  2. Meditate Everyday (at least 10 minutes with a goal of 20 minutes): The benefits of mindfulness for improving attention, managing stress and overall wellbeing are well documented. Personally, I hope to better focus my attention when I am working on my dissertation, as well as improve my ability to transition to other items, especially during family and personal time.
  3. Walk Everyday (at least 5,000 steps with a goal of 3 miles everyday): I do not simply dislike exercise, I hate it. But I love taking leisurely walks, as long as it is not construed as exercise in any way ;). So for me this is less a health goal and instead is a recognition that daily walks allow my brain to function better. They also help me manage my back pain and improve my general disposition.
  4. Establish a Routine: Raising a two year old has given me an appreciation for the benefits of routine. I think my recent writer’s block was induced partially by not being more disciplined about structuring my time while Beka is in daycare.

I will be updating my progress throughout the year, sharing both the challenges of keeping these resolutions and what seems to work best. I would love to hear about your goals for the new year ahead or any advice for making sure these resolutions are not on next year’s list.