Blogging the Dissertation

I have been thinking quite a bit about this blog and my failure to keep it updated. In part, the lack of blogging has resulted from the fact that this year turned out to be one external deadline after another. More importantly, however, as much as I enjoy following current events and writing about them, I do not have enough time to research and compose informative posts on subjects I am not currently studying.

Yet, I do think blogging is an activity that enhances my scholarship. At a minimum, it is a means to improve my writing. Moreover, it provides a platform for structuring my thoughts on economics and security. Thus, I have decided to refocus the subject of the blog to the political economy of security. Other posts will touch on the tools and resources that I have found to be particularly useful. Finally, I admit that many posts may just reflect my own interests, particularly with respect to pop culture.

Unfortunately, my schedule will remain hectic through the foreseeable future. Thus, I am not going to even pretend that I can commit to a regular posting schedule. Fortunately, if you are interested in following this blog, you can always subscribe via email or RSS in order to receive each new post.